Lessons from the sword smith Amemiya san May 24, 2015

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On 23 May, I took part in a lesson on how to forge a Kogatana at the forge of Takano Mitsuyuki a sword smith located in Tokyo.

It was the first time I tried my hand at this craft, and I enjoyed the experience quite a lot, much due to the kindness and assistance from Amemiya Tosho, Takano Tosho’s disciple. During this single day event, I got to experience Yasurigake (rough filing), Senkezuri (working the metal with a plainer), Uchinobashi (hammering out the metal), Meigiri (signing the blade), Tsuchioki (clay coating) and Yakiire (tempering).
Though my result was probably quite mediocre compared to Amemiya san’s, at least the experience gave me an insight and appreciation for the skills and hard work of a sword smith.
I was however very pleased to see the shape of the Sori after quenching my blade and I thought the Hamon was rather pleasing as well.

I shared the day’s lesson and experiences with one other first timer, a medical student, who, after the lesson explained to me that though he was studying medicine, it was his heart’s desire to become a sword smith.

A new day, a new challange May 21, 2015

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Since I left the financial world and entered that of the sword tradesman, it has now been 5 years.

I realize that there is still much for me to study and learn. It is therefore my hope and wish that I will grow with my new responsibility as a newly selected member of the All Japan Sword Traders Association’s board.

I will work hard to become a link between the new and old as well as between the junior and senior. Although I’m still young and not as experienced as my seniors, I will do my best to bring my experiences from the world of financial companies to further bring a dynamical aspect to my new assignment.

Improved Security May 15, 2015

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As of last month, you may have noticed that the URL address on your computer becomes green when you visit our home page. This is because I have required the service of Symantec to make our website more secure for you. I believe I may be the first sword trader in Japan to have a home page encrypted for the customer’s and visitor’s safety, with any personal information.
We have always treated any information that you share with us, with the at most discretion and respect, but as there are more criminal activity drawn to the internet, I feel this is a precaution that is well worth the investment. It is just one more step for us to give you the privacy and security you deserve.