Reflections on the year that has passed Dec.28, 2012

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The year 2012 has been a year of changes.

In February, we started a new project, creating a homepage.
This project has been a challenge and through it I have learned a few new things.
Initially, we had some big problems, but as the New Year approaches we are getting closer to successfully completing the homepage.

Since the end of October, I have changed from a Japanese page developer to a Canadian, who is also fluent in Japanese. This has improved some of the things that were previously problematic with the project.
Thus, I am happy to say that I think we are finally on the right track when it comes to making a homepage that offers swords and other items at an affordable price, as well as offering information for anyone interested to read and learn from.

During the year 2013, I intend to upload items on a more regular basis, as well as entering more posts on this blog.
Should you be looking for a specific item that you wish to purchase, please don’t hesitate to contact me as I enjoy challenges like these.

Finally, I would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous 2013.

