The 8th Okinawa Token Ichi Dec. 18, 2015

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Between the 12th of Dec. and 14th of Dec. we hosted the 8th Okinawa Token Ichi in Naha city, the most southern city of Japan. This time, we were joined by Fujita san, a young sword trader from Kanda Tokodo.

During the four years, that I have hosted this event, it has been my intention to further the insight and passion for the Japanese sword among the enthusiast in Okinawa, since there are no sword shops on the islands. I am sometimes asked by my fellow sword traders whether I am able to make a reasonable profit on the event. I usually answer that I have a feeling for the island and the potential of it. To help with the growth, I have contacted lectures on a level aimed at beginners. They seem popular among the attendees and I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others.

I am also happy to see so many of my friends there returning for each event, and enjoy catching up with them.

However, considering the cost of shipping swords to Okinawa, hotels and rent, I have to also consider the sustainability of it. Developing a market isn’t easy, but I will keep doing my best to keep the venue going in the future.

This time, we also took a trip to the Churaumi aquarium and it was a remarkable experience. I was amazed at how high the dolphins were able to jump from the water. They seemed to defy gravity.


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